Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// about us

vision, mission and values

Our Vision

To become an international reference in high-tech engineering solutions, by generating a flow of spin-off companies that will outgrow us and deliver major society contribution.

Our Mission

To solve the most difficult and complex challenges, with state-of-the-art technological solutions, developed in the forefront of knowledge, by Lusospace’s top-level engineering teams.

Our Values

“KNOW BEYOND WHAT YOU DO. DO BEYOND WHAT YOU KNOW.” We feel that our corporate values are so much more than that. They are embedded in our culture and DNA.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design.

Dedicated Team

Over the past decade, our customers succeeded by leveraging Intellectsoft’s process of building, motivating.

// about us

corporate responsability

Shareholder values: Although a company needs to be profitable so that it can sustain itself in the long term, LusoSpace’s shareholders, honoring their Christian beliefs, value the most each and every individual that makes (and made) up the company, from its conception to its death. These values are essential for the company’s strategy and market selection. They were also the motivation to create an ethical code.

Ethical Code: In order to provide a guideline for the behavior of the company in a worldwide market, an ethical code has been created.

Social responsibility: ‘Be careful not to parade your uprightness in public to attract attention…”(Mt 6,1-6.16-18).