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Augmented Reality

Exchange of information began first with sensory perception between animals. With intelligence, mankind developed a way to exchange information through gestural and vocal means: photons and acoustics waves were manipulated to create language.

Communication evolved to smog signals and only much later appeared the telegraphy, which used radio waves to exchange Morse-based codified messages. Some years later, the telephone was created and some decades after the television. In short, communication revolves around exchanging photons and acoustic waves.

Two revolutions occurred at the end of the 20th century. One was the internet advent, where the electronic communication evolved from the bilateral channel (telephone, fax, TV) to a multilateral platform.

A second revolution was communication mobility, with the dissemination of cell phones. Recently, those two revolutions have been combined in smartphones where both internet information and visual/acoustic information are managed together in the individual’s terminals. The next revolution is to export the information into the real world. This goes beyond the original concept to have a speaker, a microphone, a camera and a display to communicate all in a device.

The emerging revolution will locate the information where you want to see it as if it is there. This is augmented reality.